
Free Graphics of Dog Paw Prints

Whether their dogs are big Black Labrador Retrievers or tiny brown Chihuahuas, dog lovers enjoy using dog-centered graphics. And all dog lovers seem to like free graphics of dog paw prints. You like them, but where can you find free graphics of dog paw prints?

Computer Software Programs


Many software programs offer free graphics of dog paw prints. Two examples:

1. Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher both yield any free graphics of dog paw prints simply by choosing "Insert, picture, clipart" from the menu and typing "paw print" into the hunt box. If you want free graphics of dogs, you can use the same procedure and hunt on "dog".

2. Adobe PhotoShop offers free graphics of dog paw prints in any size and color you want. On the tool bar, settle on the "custom shape tool" and browse for the paw print you want. If you cannot find the dog paw print, click the arrow at the top right of the shape option box, and append "animals".

3. Do a hunt of your whole computer for any graphics type files that include the word "paw" and you may find private free graphics of dog paw prints where you least expect them.

Internet Websites

The Internet will often yield free graphics of dog paw prints.

1. Fuzzy Faces website has a wide array from which to choose. Don't like red, white, and blue. Import their free graphics of dog paw prints into your own graphics schedule and convert the colors. convert the size, too, to meet your needs.

2. Abquisto Graphics has free graphics of dog paw prints in the form of buttons or bars for your web site.

3. Bullwrinkle.com offers a font of free graphics of dog paw prints. Each paw print has a letter on it, so you can type words with paw prints. simply visit their site, copy the file paw.ttf to your Windows/fonts directory. Then open your text editor and settle on "Ennobled Pet".

4. Hiox India offers free graphics of dog paw prints in 48 separate colors! They make provision for you to test colors on a separate background, too, with a simple mouse click.

5. If you visit My Flint River Dog, you will find free graphics of dog paw prints for use on your personal or market web site.


The best way to get distinctive free graphics of dog paw prints is to do it yourself - assuming you own a dog. Use non-toxic children's finger paints and white cardstock. Dip your dog's paw into the paint, and place it on clean cardstock, pushing slightly to get a clear print. You can repeat as often as requisite until you get a good clean print.

Take your dog print and scan it into your computer. You can now yield discrete sized free graphics of dog paw prints.

Make It a Project

Collecting free graphics of dog paw prints can be fun. Get together with other dog owners and help each other make dog prints with finger paints. Appoint one someone to procure all the prints (labeled as to whose dog made them and the breed name), and scan them. Then share the results. You will have many sizes.

Free Graphics of Dog Paw Prints


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